Der Ituner
Oft hatte ich mir schon die Frage gestellt: wie kann ich meine Itunes Playliste auf eine anderen
MP3-Player bekommen ? Jetzt getzt es.. nämlich mit Ituner.
V1.2.3769 Beta 3c ist erschienen. Ituner erscheint als kleiner abspeckter Palyer der sich aber mit Itunes
Den Download findet ihr: hier !
Hier ein kurer Auszug der Features (
- Automated library maintenance and optimization
- Remove “dead tracks” – tracks in library without corresponding data files
- Remove duplicates – multi-level intelligent processing to identify and archive duplicate tracks
- Remove empty directories – delete empty hard-drive directories left over by iTunes’ organize
- Automatically import media files not yet in iTunes Library – now available in Beta 3!
- Synchronize one or more playlists directly to a selected USB MP3 player
- Easy playlist export
- Export an album, an iTunes playlist, or all tracks by an artist with just a couple of clicks
- Convert the iTunes tracks to any supported music format, AAC, AIFF, M4A, MP3, or WAV
- Copy these tracks to any location, disk, USB, along with a playlist index file such as M3U, PLS, WPL, and ZPL
- Global hot key control of iTunes playback with customizations
- Automatic lyric discovery using multiple online providers
- Quick access to view lyrics of current track
- System Tray icon showing the current player state: play or pause
- Notify popup showing current track information, title, artist, album
- Detailed track information with quick link to storage folder on disk
- Indication of source location, standard music library, movies, TV shows, podcasts, radio
- Basic playback controls including, next/prev track, play/pause, volume, position, rating, and shuffle
- Basic track information editor to customize title, artist, and album